Dr Vijay Kumar

Baby Crawling: 10 Tips To Help Your Newborn Learn To Crawl

Catagory: Children     Author: Dr T.V Vijay Kumar

Crawling is not just a cute milestone in your baby’s development; it’s a crucial stage that fosters various physical and cognitive skills. As babies explore their environment through crawling, they strengthen their muscles, improve coordination, and enhance spatial awareness. Encouraging your baby to crawl can be an enjoyable journey filled with bonding moments and exciting discoveries.

Create a Safe Environment

Creating a safe environment is paramount when encouraging your baby to crawl. Remove potential hazards such as sharp objects, small toys, and electrical cords from their play area. Install baby gates to block off staircases and other dangerous areas, ensuring your baby can explore freely without risk of harm.

Encourage Tummy Time

Tummy time is essential for building the strength and muscle coordination necessary for crawling. Begin with short sessions of tummy time each day, gradually increasing the duration as your baby grows more accustomed to it. Place engaging toys within reach to encourage your baby to lift their head and explore their surroundings from a different perspective.

Place Toys Out of Reach

Strategically placing toys just out of your baby’s reach can motivate them to start crawling. Choose colorful and textured toys that pique their curiosity, encouraging them to move towards them. By creating a tantalizing incentive, you’ll spark your baby’s interest and encourage them to explore their mobility further.

Use Mirrors

Mirrors can be powerful tools for encouraging crawling as babies are naturally drawn to their reflections. Place a safe, unbreakable mirror on the floor during tummy time to provide visual stimulation and motivation for your baby to move towards their reflection. Seeing themselves in the mirror can ignite their curiosity and inspire them to crawl towards the intriguing image.

Incorporate Music and Sound

Music and sound can create a lively atmosphere that encourages movement and exploration. Play cheerful music or use toys that produce sounds to captivate your baby’s attention and motivate them to crawl towards the source of the sound. By infusing playtime with auditory stimulation, you’ll make the crawling experience more engaging and enjoyable for your baby.


Carrying your baby in a carrier or sling not only promotes bonding but also provides opportunities for movement and exploration. Opt for skin-to-skin contact by using a soft, breathable carrier that keeps your baby close to your body. As you go about your daily activities, your baby will experience gentle movement that stimulates their senses and encourages motor development.

Engage in Playful Interaction

Engage in interactive play sessions that encourage reaching, grasping, and exploring. Use age-appropriate toys and activities that stimulate your baby’s senses and foster motor skills development. Get down on the floor with your baby, offering encouragement and support as they navigate their surroundings and discover new ways to move.

Provide Belly Support

During tummy time and crawling practice, provide belly support to help your baby feel comfortable and secure. Place rolled towels or pillows under their chest and arms to reduce strain on their muscles and joints. By offering gentle support, you’ll create an environment where your baby feels confident to explore and experiment with crawling.

Avoid Overassistance

While it’s essential to provide encouragement and support, it’s equally important to avoid overassistance that may hinder your baby’s natural development. Allow your baby the freedom to explore and move at their own pace, offering gentle guidance when needed. Resist the urge to intervene excessively, allowing your baby to build confidence and independence as they learn to crawl.

Celebrate Milestones

Celebrate each milestone your baby achieves on their journey to crawling. Whether it’s lifting their head during tummy time or taking their first tentative crawls, acknowledge their progress and provide positive reinforcement. Shower your baby with praise and affection, fostering a sense of accomplishment and confidence that will propel them forward on their developmental path.

In conclusion, encouraging your baby to crawl is a rewarding and enriching experience that lays the foundation for their physical and cognitive development. By creating a safe and stimulating environment, engaging in playful interactions, and celebrating their achievements, you’ll support your baby as they embark on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery.